Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Weekly Posting

Evaluation Week: May 28th-May 31st

Weeks of preparation came down to execution this week. I finally had my lessons observed by an EWU evaluator. I felt like I had a superb lesson plan for both periods of classes. On Tuesday morning, I began teaching my English class with an on-going unit/lesson on Biographies, auto biographies, and documentaries. I also included lecture, small group work, short video clip, and a formative quiz at the end of the period. Students really seemed to have enjoyed this lesson, and my evaluator was impressed with my teaching and the nice flow of the lesson. I also taught 3rd period Social Studies. This lesson was also evaluated the same day. We have been working with the Korean War and current North Korea events. This particular lesson focused on the United States military and the United Nations teaming up against communist North Korea, China, and the Soviets. Students also started their group work using I-Pads for researching their topics. The lesson really flowed well and seemed to have a great bonus with the use of I-pads.

It was definitely a great learning week for me. I always critique my lessons and wonder what are the things that I would do different next time. I've been fighting a real bad cold this week, and I tried real hard to hide my fatigue from the students and evaluator.

It seems like keeping student's attention is getting more difficult as school nears closer to an end. I usually need to ask repeatedly for students not to talk and stay on task.

One cool highlight: I got to substitute the class which i am currently doing my practicum in. Being that I am already K-8 certified, I've been employed in the Mead district as a sub for 4 years it was easy to fill in for my cooperating teacher and get
paid for it! $$$

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