Wednesday, May 15, 2013

5/13- 5/17

I have spent the beginning portion of this week at another local school learning from another teacher to get another perspective on teaching. I learned how lesson plans are developed through collaboration with grade level team members. All department members strive to execute curriculum standards, but do so with their own approaches to learning.
I am getting ready to teach a biography lesson. There are different aspects of this lesson including what students know already, learning tools, and assessment strategies. Students will interview a family member or other person who they can tell a story of their life. The important pieces of this lesson is to get students to see that life has its challenges to go through in order to be successful...and everyone has a story to be told.
This lesson coincides with previous writing lessons and students ability to write an biography about a person of importance to them.
Highlights of this week included students ability to think critically about the person that they will write a biography on. Students are excited about the lesson and eager to share with the class.

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